Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies is at the heart of our school. We aim to instil in our pupils a love and connection to Hashem, Torah and mitzvot whilst encouraging our pupils to be the best they can be. We do this by bringing Judaism alive for our pupils so they do not just learn about Jewish life, they live it! We give our pupils the chance to experience our jewish way of life throughout the year through sukkah visits, model sedarim,  workshops for Chanukah and Pesach all the way through to our Giving project in year 6 where we teach the importance of being part of a community and giving back. Tzedakah and acts of kindness are a huge part of our school and our 'Veohavta lerayacha Kamocha' weekly award reinforces the importance of good middot.

We teach Hebrew reading together with a knowledge and understanding of Torah and mitzvot. Through this we equip the children with the tools needed to lead a full Jewish life both in school and later in adult life. With these skills we develop their emotional and spiritual growth and instil a pride and self confidence in their life as British Jews.



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